
Fear, confusion, uncertainty... Many people experience all of this when they receive their diagnosis.
I had breast cancer 16 years ago and I can attest that it is a tough disease, that not only impacts us personally, but impacts our family and friends on multiple levels, that brings out the worst and the best in ourselves, makes us testing.

We must act and take control of our disease, generate real awareness.
By having access to fair comprehensive care and treatment, we will be able to reduce the statistics that exist around the disease, raising the voice of the survivor and his family to listen carefully to his most important needs.

Empowerment, rights and obligations, proposals, actions, information, experiences, advice and help among peers, give us the guideline to say: you are not alone, we are many and with you it is easier to break the silence... Raise your voice

Elizabeth Lavín, Founder and President Oncoayuda, Mexico



Professionnel de la santé et soignant
Dr Shivani
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Famille, ami et soutien
Arabie saoudite
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